• 新規会員登録(無料)
  • パスワ-ド
  • 出品者の評価情報
出 品 者 adrielrexauto2119
取引件数 396
会員登録日 Jan-01-70
  • トップセラーとは?
  • 出品実績評価とは?


また少なくとも100件以上の 取引実績がある。

月の評価 過去1ヶ月の評価 過去6ヶ月の評価 過去12ヶ月の評価
良い 14 47
どちらでもない 0 0
良くない 0 0
  項目 平均
「商品の状態」 0.0/5.0
「連絡・対応」 0.0/5.0
「配送時間」 0.0/5.0
「送料と手数料」 0.0/5.0

コメントと商品情報  評価者と価格
Positive 5 STARS!! Great buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended. am-autoparts

2019/11/25 16:00
Positive Good communication, quick payment, A+, Thank you from Hubcap Kingdom! hubcapkingdom

2019/11/25 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. gsarorlando

2019/11/25 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. foreverunauto

2019/11/25 16:00
Positive Hope to deal with you again. Thank you. showsenmotor

2019/11/18 16:00
Positive Nice buyer! parts_deals

2019/11/04 16:00
Positive Quick response and fast payment. Perfect! THANKS!! thepartmonster

2019/10/28 16:00
Positive Great buyer, easy transaction, valuable customers, thanks very much!!! autoparts_premium

2019/10/21 16:00
Positive Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A++++++. svdshop

2019/09/09 16:00
Positive Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended. dbelectrical

2019/09/02 16:00
Positive Great eBayer! Immediate payment. A pleasure doing biz with. Thanks! prostarter1

2019/09/02 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. nabay_us

2019/08/05 16:00
Positive Quick response and fast payment. Perfect! THANKS!! millionshare

2019/07/08 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. carpartswholesale

2019/06/10 16:00
Positive Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A++++++. eccppautoparts

2019/05/20 16:00
Positive Quick response and fast payment. Perfect! THANKS!! victanks

2019/05/20 16:00
Positive 5 STARS!! Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A+++. am-autoparts

2019/04/29 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. eccppautoparts

2019/04/22 16:00
Positive Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended. carpartswholesale

2019/03/11 16:00
Positive Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended. martinsautoparts

2019/03/11 16:00
Positive Thank you-DFTees.com. Great Ebayer AAA+++ dftees

2019/03/11 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. watchingo

2019/02/25 16:00
Positive Great communication. A pleasure to do business with. funsport-usa

2019/02/18 16:00
Positive Great Buyer, fast payment, please come back anytime. premium_chic

2019/02/04 16:00
Positive Great Buyer, fast payment, please come back anytime. premium_chic

2019/01/21 16:00
17ページ中 8ページ目を表示